Matteo Moretti

Il mio profilo

Matteo Moretti
Matteo Moretti grew up and worked for years in the web and motion design industry at Erazero, a Mtv Italy cross-media partner, researching also on data visualization and generative design. Presently he works as researcher at the Faculty of Design and Arts of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano where he teaches “Web and interactive graphic” and research on methodologies and practices of the Visual Journalism. He also co-founded the research platform on the Visual journalism teaching and Dramaläb, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano physical computing lab. People’s Republic of Bolzano, his previous research project, won the Data Journalism Award 2015. Europa dreaming is his last project, a reflection and analysis on the European dream and the migrant crisis has been freshly published. Presently he combines research and teaching with his professional design activity.
Comunità di appartenenza: 
Citta di cui mi interesso: 
Bolzano BZ
Tag con cui ti identifichi : 
data journalism
new media


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4 anni 1 mese